



trait ChunkedJsonEntities extends algebra.ChunkedJsonEntities with ChunkedEntities with JsonEntitiesFromSchemas

Interpreter for the algebra.ChunkedJsonEntities algebra in the endpoints.openapi family.

Type Hierarchy
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. ChunkedJsonEntities
  2. JsonEntitiesFromSchemas
  3. JsonSchemas
  4. TuplesSchemas
  5. JsonEntitiesFromSchemas
  6. JsonSchemas
  7. TuplesSchemas
  8. ChunkedEntities
  9. EndpointsWithCustomErrors
  10. Responses
  11. StatusCodes
  12. Requests
  13. Headers
  14. Methods
  15. Urls
  16. ChunkedJsonEntities
  17. JsonCodecs
  18. JsonEntities
  19. ChunkedEntities
  20. EndpointsWithCustomErrors
  21. Errors
  22. Responses
  23. StatusCodes
  24. Requests
  25. SemigroupalSyntax
  26. Methods
  27. Urls
  28. PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax
  29. InvariantFunctorSyntax
  30. AnyRef
  31. Any
  1. by StringFormat
  2. by Ensuring
  3. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit class InvariantFunctorSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for values of type F[A] for which there is an implicit InvariantFunctor[F] instance.

    Extension methods for values of type F[A] for which there is an implicit InvariantFunctor[F] instance.

    Definition Classes
  2. implicit class PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  3. implicit class SemigroupalSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  4. case class CallbackDocs(method: EndpointsWithCustomErrors.Method, entity: EndpointsWithCustomErrors.RequestEntity[_], response: EndpointsWithCustomErrors.Response[_], requestDocs: Documentation = None) extends Product with Serializable


    HTTP method used for the callback


    Contents of the callback message


    Expected response

    Definition Classes
  5. case class EndpointDocs(summary: Documentation = None, description: Documentation = None, tags: List[String] = Nil, callbacks: Map[String, CallbacksDocs] = Map.empty, deprecated: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable


    Short description


    Detailed description


    OpenAPI tags


    Callbacks indexed by event name


    Indicates whether this endpoint is deprecated or not

    Definition Classes
  6. implicit final class EnumOps[A] extends JsonSchemaDocumentationOps[A]

    Definition Classes
  7. sealed trait JsonSchemaDocumentationOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Documentation related methods for annotating schemas.

    Documentation related methods for annotating schemas. Encoder and decoder interpreters ignore this information.

    Definition Classes
  8. implicit final class JsonSchemaOps[A] extends JsonSchemaDocumentationOps[A]

    Implicit methods for values of type JsonSchema

    Implicit methods for values of type JsonSchema

    Definition Classes
  9. implicit final class RecordOps[A] extends JsonSchemaDocumentationOps[A]

    Implicit methods for values of type Record

    Implicit methods for values of type Record

    Definition Classes
  10. implicit final class TaggedOps[A] extends JsonSchemaDocumentationOps[A]

    Definition Classes
  11. implicit class ResponseSyntax[A] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for Response.

    Extension methods for Response.

    Definition Classes
  12. implicit class PathOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Convenient methods for Paths.

    Convenient methods for Paths.

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit class QueryStringSyntax[A] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods on QueryString.

    Extension methods on QueryString.

    Definition Classes
  14. type CallbacksDocs = Map[String, CallbackDocs]

    Callbacks indexed by URL pattern

    Callbacks indexed by URL pattern

    Definition Classes
    See also

    Swagger Documentation at

  15. type Chunks[A] = Unit

    A stream of chunks of type A.

    A stream of chunks of type A.

    Definition Classes
  16. abstract type ClientErrors

    Errors in a request built by a client

    Errors in a request built by a client

    Definition Classes
  17. type Endpoint[A, B] = DocumentedEndpoint

    Information carried by an HTTP endpoint

    Information carried by an HTTP endpoint

    Definition Classes
  18. type JsonCodec[A] = JsonSchema[A]

    A JSON codec type class

    A JSON codec type class

    Definition Classes
  19. type JsonRequest[A] = JsonCodec[A]

    Type class defining how to represent the A information as a JSON request entity

    Type class defining how to represent the A information as a JSON request entity

    Definition Classes
  20. type JsonResponse[A] = JsonCodec[A]

    Type class defining how to represent the A information as a JSON response entity

    Type class defining how to represent the A information as a JSON response entity

    Definition Classes
  21. type Path[A] = DocumentedUrl

    An URL path carrying an A information

    An URL path carrying an A information

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PathOps, InvariantFunctorSyntax, and the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  22. type QueryString[A] = DocumentedQueryString

    A query string carrying an A information

    A query string carrying an A information

    QueryString values can be created with the qs operation, and can be combined with the & operation:

    val queryPageAndLang: QueryString[(Int, Option[String])] =
      qs[Int]("page") & qs[Option[String]]("lang")
    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the QueryStringSyntax, InvariantFunctorSyntax, and the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  23. type QueryStringParam[A] = DocumentedQueryStringParam

    A query string parameter codec for type A.

    A query string parameter codec for type A.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and the InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  24. type Request[A] = DocumentedRequest

    Information carried by a whole request (headers and entity)

    Information carried by a whole request (headers and entity)

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax class.

  25. type RequestEntity[A] = Map[String, MediaType]

    Information carried by request entity

    Information carried by request entity

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax class.

  26. type RequestHeaders[A] = DocumentedHeaders

    Information carried by requests’ headers.

    Information carried by requests’ headers.

    You can construct values of type RequestHeaders by using the operations requestHeader, optRequestHeader, or emptyRequestHeaders.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the SemigroupalSyntax and PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  27. type Response[A] = List[DocumentedResponse]

    An HTTP response (status, headers, and entity) carrying an information of type A

    An HTTP response (status, headers, and entity) carrying an information of type A

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the InvariantFunctorSyntax and ResponseSyntax classes

  28. type ResponseEntity[A] = Map[String, MediaType]

    An HTTP response entity carrying an information of type A

    An HTTP response entity carrying an information of type A

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the InvariantFunctorSyntax class

  29. type ResponseHeaders[A] = DocumentedHeaders

    Information carried by responses’ headers.

    Information carried by responses’ headers.

    You can construct values of type ResponseHeaders by using the operations responseHeader, optResponseHeader, or emptyResponseHeaders.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the SemigroupalSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  30. type Segment[A] = Schema

    An URL path segment codec for type A.

    An URL path segment codec for type A.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and the InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  31. abstract type ServerError

    Error raised by the business logic of a server

    Error raised by the business logic of a server

    Definition Classes
  32. type StatusCode = Int

    HTTP Status Code

    HTTP Status Code

    Definition Classes
  33. type Url[A] = DocumentedUrl

    An URL carrying an A information

    An URL carrying an A information

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  34. case class DocumentedEndpoint(path: String, item: PathItem) extends Product with Serializable


    Path template (e.g. “/user/{id}”)


    Item documentation

    Definition Classes
  35. case class DocumentedHeader(name: String, description: Option[String], required: Boolean, schema: Schema) extends Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  36. case class DocumentedHeaders(value: List[DocumentedHeader]) extends Product with Serializable


    List of request header names (e.g. “Authorization”)

    Definition Classes
  37. sealed trait CoproductEncoding extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  38. sealed trait DocumentedJsonSchema extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  39. class Enum[A] extends JsonSchema[A]
    Definition Classes
  40. class JsonSchema[A] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  41. class Record[A] extends JsonSchema[A]
    Definition Classes
  42. class Tagged[A] extends JsonSchema[A]
    Definition Classes
  43. sealed trait Method extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  44. case class DocumentedRequest(method: Requests.Method, url: Requests.DocumentedUrl, headers: Requests.DocumentedHeaders, documentation: Documentation, entity: Map[String, MediaType]) extends Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  45. case class DocumentedResponse(status: (Responses.this)#StatusCode, documentation: String, headers: (Responses.this)#DocumentedHeaders, content: Map[String, MediaType]) extends Product with Serializable


    Response status code (e.g. OK or NotFound)


    Human readable documentation. Not optional because its required by openapi


    Response headers documentation


    Map that associates each possible content-type (e.g. “text/html”) with a MediaType description

    Definition Classes
  46. case class DocumentedParameter(name: String, required: Boolean, description: Option[String], schema: Schema) extends Product with Serializable


    Name of the parameter


    Whether this parameter is required or not (MUST be true for path parameters)

    Definition Classes
  47. case class DocumentedQueryString(parameters: List[DocumentedParameter]) extends Product with Serializable


    List of query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  48. case class DocumentedQueryStringParam(schema: Schema, isRequired: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  49. case class DocumentedUrl(path: List[Either[String, DocumentedParameter]], queryParameters: List[DocumentedParameter]) extends Product with Serializable


    List of path segments. Left is a static segment, right is a path parameter


    Query string parameters

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def clientErrorsResponseEntity: ResponseEntity[ClientErrors]

    Format of the response entity carrying the client errors.

    Format of the response entity carrying the client errors.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def clientErrorsToInvalid(clientErrors: ClientErrors): Invalid

    Convert the ClientErrors type into the endpoints internal client error type

    Convert the ClientErrors type into the endpoints internal client error type

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def invalidToClientErrors(invalid: Invalid): ClientErrors

    Convert the endpoints internal client error type into the ClientErrors type

    Convert the endpoints internal client error type into the ClientErrors type

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def serverErrorResponseEntity: ResponseEntity[ServerError]

    Format of the response entity carrying the server error.

    Format of the response entity carrying the server error.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def serverErrorToThrowable(serverError: ServerError): Throwable

    Convert the ServerError type into the endpoints internal server error type

    Convert the ServerError type into the endpoints internal server error type

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def throwableToServerError(throwable: Throwable): ServerError

    Convert the endpoints internal server error type into the ServerError type

    Convert the endpoints internal server error type into the ServerError type

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ->[B](y: B): (ChunkedJsonEntities, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toArrowAssoc[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  5. def Accepted: Int

    Definition Classes
  6. def BadRequest: Int

    Definition Classes

    You should use the badRequest constructor provided by the endpoints.algebra.Responses trait to ensure that errors produced by endpoints are consistently handled by interpreters.

  7. def Created: Int

    Definition Classes
  8. def Forbidden: Int

    Definition Classes
  9. def InternalServerError: Int

    Definition Classes

    You should use the internalServerError constructor provided by the endpoints.algebra.Responses trait to ensure that errors produced by endpoints are consistently handled by interpreters.

  10. def NoContent: Int

    Definition Classes
  11. def NotFound: Int

    Definition Classes
  12. def NotImplemented: Int

    Definition Classes
  13. def OK: Int

    Definition Classes
  14. def Unauthorized: Int

    Definition Classes
  15. def arrayJsonSchema[C[X] <: Seq[X], A](implicit jsonSchema: JsonSchema[A], factory: Factory[A, C[A]]): JsonSchema[C[A]]

    A JSON schema for sequences

    A JSON schema for sequences

    Definition Classes
  16. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  17. final def badRequest[A, R](docs: Documentation = None, headers: ResponseHeaders[A] = emptyResponseHeaders)(implicit tupler: Tupler.Aux[ClientErrors, A, R]): Response[R]

    Bad Request (400) response, with an entity of type ClientErrors.

    Bad Request (400) response, with an entity of type ClientErrors.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    endpoints.algebra.Errors and endpoints.algebra.BuiltInErrors

  18. lazy val bigdecimalJsonSchema: JsonSchema[BigDecimal]

    A JSON schema for type BigDecimal

    A JSON schema for type BigDecimal

    Definition Classes
  19. lazy val booleanJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Boolean]

    A JSON schema for type Boolean

    A JSON schema for type Boolean

    Definition Classes
  20. def booleanQueryString: QueryStringParam[Boolean]

    Query string parameter containing a Boolean value

    Query string parameter containing a Boolean value

    Definition Classes
  21. lazy val byteJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Byte]

    A JSON schema for type Byte

    A JSON schema for type Byte

    Definition Classes
  22. def bytesChunksRequest: RequestEntity[Chunks[Array[Byte]]]

    A request entity carrying chunks of Array[Byte] values

    A request entity carrying chunks of Array[Byte] values

    Definition Classes
  23. def bytesChunksResponse: ResponseEntity[Chunks[Array[Byte]]]

    A response entity carrying chunks of Array[Byte] values

    A response entity carrying chunks of Array[Byte] values

    Definition Classes
  24. def chainPaths[A, B](first: Path[A], second: Path[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): Path[Out]

    Chains the two paths

    Chains the two paths

    Definition Classes
  25. def choiceResponse[A, B](responseA: Response[A], responseB: Response[B]): Response[Either[A, B]]

    Alternative between two possible choices of responses.

    Alternative between two possible choices of responses.

    Server interpreters construct either one or the other response. Client interpreters accept either one or the other response. Documentation interpreters list all the possible responses.

    Definition Classes
  26. def choiceTagged[A, B](taggedA: Tagged[A], taggedB: Tagged[B]): Tagged[Either[A, B]]

    The JSON schema of a coproduct made of the given alternative tagged records

    The JSON schema of a coproduct made of the given alternative tagged records

    Definition Classes
  27. lazy val clientErrorsResponse: Response[ClientErrors]

    Response used by the endpoints library when decoding a request fails.

    Response used by the endpoints library when decoding a request fails.

    The provided implementation forwards to badRequest.

    Definition Classes
  28. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  29. def combineQueryStrings[A, B](first: QueryString[A], second: QueryString[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): QueryString[Out]

    Concatenates two QueryStrings

    Concatenates two QueryStrings

    Definition Classes
  30. def coproductEncoding: CoproductEncoding

    Override this method to customize the strategy used to encode the JSON schema of coproducts.

    Override this method to customize the strategy used to encode the JSON schema of coproducts. By default, it uses CoproductEncoding.OneOf.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  31. def defaultDiscriminatorName: String

    Default discriminator field name for sum types.

    Default discriminator field name for sum types.

    It defaults to "type", but you can override it twofold: - by overriding this field you can change default discriminator name algebra-wide - by using withDiscriminator you can specify discriminator field name for specific sum type

    Definition Classes
  32. implicit final def defaultStringJsonSchema: JsonSchema[String]

    A JSON schema for type String

    A JSON schema for type String

    Definition Classes
  33. final def delete[UrlP, HeadersP, Out](url: Url[UrlP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUH: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform DELETE request

    Helper method to perform DELETE request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by headers

    Definition Classes
  34. lazy val doubleJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Double]

    A JSON schema for type Double

    A JSON schema for type Double

    Definition Classes
  35. def doubleQueryString: QueryStringParam[Double]

    Codec for query string parameters of type Double

    Codec for query string parameters of type Double

    Definition Classes
  36. def doubleSegment: Segment[Double]

    Segment codec for type Double

    Segment codec for type Double

    Definition Classes
  37. implicit def dummyPathToUrl[A](p: Path[A]): Url[A]

    Implicit conversion to get rid of intellij errors when defining paths.

    Implicit conversion to get rid of intellij errors when defining paths. Effectively should not be called.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  38. def emptyRecord: Record[Unit]

    The JSON schema of a record with no fields

    The JSON schema of a record with no fields

    Definition Classes
  39. lazy val emptyRequest: Map[String, MediaType]

    Empty request -- request without a body.

    Empty request -- request without a body. Use description of endpoints.algebra.Endpoints#endpoint to document an empty body.

    Definition Classes
  40. def emptyRequestHeaders: DocumentedHeaders

    No particular information.

    No particular information. Does not mean that the headers *have to* be empty. Just that, from a server point of view no information will be extracted from them, and from a client point of view no particular headers will be built in the request.

    Use description of endpoints.algebra.Endpoints#endpoint to document empty headers.

    Definition Classes
  41. def emptyResponse: ResponseEntity[Unit]

    Empty response entity

    Empty response entity

    Definition Classes
  42. def emptyResponseHeaders: ResponseHeaders[Unit]

    No particular response header.

    No particular response header. Client interpreters should ignore information carried by response headers.

    Definition Classes
  43. def endpoint[A, B](request: Request[A], response: Response[B], docs: EndpointDocs = EndpointDocs()): Endpoint[A, B]

    HTTP endpoint.

    HTTP endpoint.






    Documentation (used by documentation interpreters)

    Definition Classes
  44. def ensuring(cond: (ChunkedJsonEntities) => Boolean, msg: => Any): ChunkedJsonEntities
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toEnsuring[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  45. def ensuring(cond: (ChunkedJsonEntities) => Boolean): ChunkedJsonEntities
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toEnsuring[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  46. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): ChunkedJsonEntities
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toEnsuring[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  47. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): ChunkedJsonEntities
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toEnsuring[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  48. def enumeration[A](values: Seq[A])(tpe: JsonSchema[A]): Enum[A]

    Promotes a schema to an enumeration.

    Promotes a schema to an enumeration. Decoding fails if the input string does not match the encoded values of any of the possible values. Encoding does never fail, even if the value is not contained in the set of possible values.

    Definition Classes
  49. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  50. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def field[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit tpe: JsonSchema[A]): Record[A]

    The JSON schema of a record with a single field name of type A

    The JSON schema of a record with a single field name of type A

    Definition Classes
  52. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  53. lazy val floatJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Float]

    A JSON schema for type Float

    A JSON schema for type Float

    Definition Classes
  54. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toStringFormat[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  55. final def get[UrlP, HeadersP, Out](url: Url[UrlP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUH: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform GET request

    Helper method to perform GET request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by headers

    Definition Classes
  56. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  57. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  58. lazy val intJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Int]

    A JSON schema for type Int

    A JSON schema for type Int

    Definition Classes
  59. def intQueryString: QueryStringParam[Int]

    Ability to define Int query string parameters

    Ability to define Int query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  60. def intSegment: Segment[Int]

    Ability to define Int path segments

    Ability to define Int path segments

    Definition Classes
  61. final def internalServerError[A, R](docs: Documentation = None, headers: ResponseHeaders[A] = emptyResponseHeaders)(implicit tupler: Tupler.Aux[ServerError, A, R]): Response[R]

    Internal Server Error (500) response, with an entity of type ServerError.

    Internal Server Error (500) response, with an entity of type ServerError.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    endpoints.algebra.Errors and endpoints.algebra.BuiltInErrors

  62. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  63. def jsonChunksRequest[A](implicit codec: JsonCodec[A]): RequestEntity[Chunks[A]]

    A request entity carrying chunks of JSON values

    A request entity carrying chunks of JSON values


    Type of values serialized into JSON

    Definition Classes
  64. def jsonChunksResponse[A](implicit codec: JsonCodec[A]): ResponseEntity[Chunks[A]]

    A response entity carrying chunks of JSON values

    A response entity carrying chunks of JSON values


    Type of values serialized into JSON

    Definition Classes
  65. def jsonRequest[A](implicit codec: JsonSchema[A]): Map[String, MediaType]

    Defines a RequestEntity[A] given an implicit JsonRequest[A]

    Defines a RequestEntity[A] given an implicit JsonRequest[A]

    Definition Classes
  66. def jsonResponse[A](implicit codec: JsonSchema[A]): Map[String, MediaType]

    Defines a Response[A] given an implicit JsonResponse[A]

    Defines a Response[A] given an implicit JsonResponse[A]

    Definition Classes
  67. implicit def jsonSchemaPartialInvFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[JsonSchema]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  68. def lazyRecord[A](schema: => Record[A], name: String): JsonSchema[A]

    Captures a lazy reference to a JSON schema currently being defined:

    Captures a lazy reference to a JSON schema currently being defined:

    case class Recursive(next: Option[Recursive])
    val recursiveSchema: Record[Recursive] = (
      optField("next")(lazyRecord(recursiveSchema, "Rec"))

    Interpreters should return a JsonSchema value that does not evaluate the given schema unless it is effectively used.


    The record JSON schema whose evaluation should be delayed


    A unique name identifying the schema

    Definition Classes
  69. def lazyTagged[A](schema: => Tagged[A], name: String): JsonSchema[A]

    Captures a lazy reference to a JSON schema currently being defined.

    Captures a lazy reference to a JSON schema currently being defined.

    Interpreters should return a JsonSchema value that does not evaluate the given schema unless it is effectively used.


    The tagged JSON schema whose evaluation should be delayed


    A unique name identifying the schema

    Definition Classes
  70. final def literal[A](value: A)(implicit tpe: JsonSchema[A]): JsonSchema[Unit]

    A schema for a statically known value.

    A schema for a statically known value.

    Encoders always produce the given value, encoded according to tpe. Decoders first try to decode incoming values with the given tpe schema, and then check that it is equal to the given value.

    This is useful to model schemas of objects containing extra fields that are absent from their Scala representation. For example, here is a schema for a GeoJSON point:

    case class Point(lon: Double, lat: Double)
    val pointSchema = (
      field("type")(literal("Point")) zip
      field[(Double, Double)]("coordinates")
    ).xmap(Point.tupled)(p => (p.lon,
    Definition Classes
  71. lazy val longJsonSchema: JsonSchema[Long]

    A JSON schema for type Long

    A JSON schema for type Long

    Definition Classes
  72. def longQueryString: QueryStringParam[Long]

    Query string parameter containing a Long value

    Query string parameter containing a Long value

    Definition Classes
  73. def longSegment: Segment[Long]

    Segment containing a Long value

    Segment containing a Long value

    Definition Classes
  74. def mapJsonSchema[A](implicit jsonSchema: JsonSchema[A]): JsonSchema[Map[String, A]]

    A JSON schema for maps with string keys

    A JSON schema for maps with string keys

    Definition Classes
  75. def namedEnum[A](schema: Enum[A], name: String): Enum[A]

    Annotates the enum JSON schema with a name

    Annotates the enum JSON schema with a name

    Definition Classes
  76. def namedRecord[A](schema: Record[A], name: String): Record[A]

    Annotates the record JSON schema with a name

    Annotates the record JSON schema with a name

    Definition Classes
  77. def namedTagged[A](schema: Tagged[A], name: String): Tagged[A]

    Annotates the tagged JSON schema with a name

    Annotates the tagged JSON schema with a name

    Definition Classes
  78. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  79. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  80. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  81. final def ok[A, B, R](entity: ResponseEntity[A], docs: Documentation = None, headers: ResponseHeaders[B] = emptyResponseHeaders)(implicit tupler: Tupler.Aux[A, B, R]): Response[R]

    OK (200) Response with the given entity

    OK (200) Response with the given entity

    Definition Classes
  82. def openApi(info: Info)(endpoints: DocumentedEndpoint*): OpenApi


    General information about the documentation to generate


    The endpoints to generate the documentation for


    An OpenApi instance for the given endpoint descriptions

    Definition Classes
  83. def optField[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit tpe: JsonSchema[A]): Record[Option[A]]

    The JSON schema of a record with a single optional field name of type A

    The JSON schema of a record with a single optional field name of type A

    Decoder interpreters successfully decode None if the field is absent or if it is present but has the value null. Decoder interpreters fail if the field is present but contains an invalid value. Encoder interpreters can omit the field or emit a field with a null value. Documentation interpreters must mark the field as optional.

    Definition Classes
  84. def optRequestHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation): RequestHeaders[Option[String]]

    An optional request header

    An optional request header


    Header name (e.g., “Authorization”)

    Definition Classes
  85. def optResponseHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation = None): ResponseHeaders[Option[String]]

    Response headers optionally containing a header with the given name.

    Response headers optionally containing a header with the given name. Client interpreters should model the header value as Some[String], or None if the response header is missing. Server interpreters should produce such a response header. Documentation interpreters should document this header.

    Definition Classes
  86. implicit def optionalQueryStringParam[A](implicit param: QueryStringParam[A]): QueryStringParam[Option[A]]

    Make a query string parameter optional:

    Make a query string parameter optional:

    path / "articles" /? qs[Option[Int]]("page")

    Client interpreters must omit optional query string parameters that are empty. Server interpreters must accept incoming requests whose optional query string parameters are missing. Server interpreters must report a failure for incoming requests whose optional query string parameters are present, but malformed.

    Definition Classes
  87. def orFallbackToJsonSchema[A, B](schemaA: JsonSchema[A], schemaB: JsonSchema[B]): JsonSchema[Either[A, B]]

    A schema that can be either schemaA or schemaB.

    A schema that can be either schemaA or schemaB.

    Documentation interpreter produce a oneOf JSON schema. Encoder interpreters forward to either schemaA or schemaB. Decoder interpreters first try to decode with schemaA, and fallback to schemaB in case of failure.

    The difference between this operation and the operation orElse on “tagged” schemas is that this operation does not rely on a discriminator field between the alternative schemas. As a consequence, decoding is slower than with “tagged” schemas and provides less precise error messages.

    Definition Classes

    Be careful to use disjoint schemas for A and B (none must be a subtype of the other), otherwise, a value of type B might also be successfully decoded as a value of type A, and this could have surprising consequences.

  88. val path: Path[Unit]

    An empty path.

    An empty path.

    Useful to begin a path definition:

    path / "foo" / segment[Int] /? qs[String]("bar")
    Definition Classes
  89. implicit lazy val pathPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Path]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  90. final def post[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform POST request

    Helper method to perform POST request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler


    Request documentation

    Definition Classes
  91. final def put[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform PUT request

    Helper method to perform PUT request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler

    Definition Classes
  92. def qs[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit value: QueryStringParam[A]): QueryString[A]

    Builds a QueryString with one parameter.

    Builds a QueryString with one parameter.


    qs[Int]("page")            // mandatory `page` parameter
    qs[Option[String]]("lang") // optional `lang` parameter
    qs[List[Long]]("id")       // repeated `id` parameter

    Type of the value carried by the parameter


    Parameter’s name

    Definition Classes
  93. implicit lazy val queryStringParamPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryStringParam]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  94. implicit lazy val queryStringPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryString]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  95. implicit def recordPartialInvFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Record]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  96. def remainingSegments(name: String, docs: Documentation): Path[String]

    The remaining segments of the path.

    The remaining segments of the path. The String value carried by this Path is still URL-encoded.

    Definition Classes
  97. implicit def repeatedQueryStringParam[A, CC[X] <: Iterable[X]](implicit param: QueryStringParam[A], factory: Factory[A, CC[A]]): QueryStringParam[CC[A]]

    Support query string parameters with multiple values:

    Support query string parameters with multiple values:

    path / "articles" /? qs[List[Long]]("id")

    Server interpreters must accept incoming requests where such parameters are missing (in such a case, its value is an empty collection), and report a failure if at least one value is malformed.

    Definition Classes
  98. def request[A, B, C, AB, Out](method: Method, url: Url[A], entity: RequestEntity[B] = emptyRequest, docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[C] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerAB: Tupler.Aux[A, B, AB], tuplerABC: Tupler.Aux[AB, C, Out]): Request[Out]

    Request for given parameters

    Request for given parameters


    Request method


    Request URL


    Request entity


    Request documentation


    Request headers

    Definition Classes
  99. implicit lazy val requestEntityPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestEntity]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  100. def requestHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation): RequestHeaders[String]

    A required request header

    A required request header


    Header name (e.g., “Authorization”)

    Definition Classes
  101. implicit lazy val requestHeadersPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestHeaders]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  102. implicit lazy val requestHeadersSemigroupal: Semigroupal[RequestHeaders]

    Provides ++ operation.

    Provides ++ operation.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  103. implicit def requestPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Request]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  104. def response[A, B, R](statusCode: StatusCode, entity: ResponseEntity[A], docs: Documentation = None, headers: ResponseHeaders[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler.Aux[A, B, R]): Response[R]

    Server interpreters construct a response with the given status and entity.

    Server interpreters construct a response with the given status and entity. Client interpreters accept a response only if it has a corresponding status code.


    Response status code


    Response entity


    Response documentation


    Response headers

    Definition Classes
  105. implicit lazy val responseEntityInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[ResponseEntity]
    Definition Classes
  106. def responseHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation = None): ResponseHeaders[String]

    Response headers containing a header with the given name.

    Response headers containing a header with the given name. Client interpreters should model the header value as String, or fail if the response header is missing. Server interpreters should produce such a response header. Documentation interpreters should document this header.


    val versionedResource: Endpoint[Unit, (SomeResource, String)] =
        get(path / "versioned-resource"),
          headers = responseHeader("ETag")
    Definition Classes
  107. implicit def responseHeadersInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[ResponseHeaders]

    Provides xmap operation.

    Provides xmap operation.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  108. implicit def responseHeadersSemigroupal: Semigroupal[ResponseHeaders]

    Provides ++ operation.

    Provides ++ operation.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  109. implicit lazy val responseInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[Response]

    Provides the operation xmap to the type Response

    Provides the operation xmap to the type Response

    Definition Classes
    See also


  110. def segment[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit A: Segment[A]): Path[A]

    A path segment carrying an A information

    A path segment carrying an A information

    Definition Classes
  111. implicit lazy val segmentPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Segment]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  112. lazy val serverErrorResponse: Response[ServerError]

    Response used by the endpoints library when the business logic of an endpoint fails.

    Response used by the endpoints library when the business logic of an endpoint fails.

    The provided implementation forwards to internalServerError

    Definition Classes
  113. def staticPathSegment(segment: String): Path[Unit]

    A path segment whose value is the given segment

    A path segment whose value is the given segment

    Definition Classes
  114. final def stringEnumeration[A](values: Seq[A])(encode: (A) => String)(implicit tpe: JsonSchema[String]): Enum[A]

    Convenient constructor for enumerations represented by string values.

    Convenient constructor for enumerations represented by string values.

    Definition Classes
  115. def stringJsonSchema(format: Option[String]): JsonSchema[String]

    A JSON schema for type String.

    A JSON schema for type String.


    An additional semantic information about the underlying format of the string

    Definition Classes
    See also

  116. def stringQueryString: QueryStringParam[String]

    Ability to define String query string parameters

    Ability to define String query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  117. def stringSegment: Segment[String]

    Ability to define String path segments Servers should return an URL-decoded string value, and clients should take an URL-decoded string value.

    Ability to define String path segments Servers should return an URL-decoded string value, and clients should take an URL-decoded string value.

    Definition Classes
  118. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  119. implicit def taggedPartialInvFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Tagged]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  120. def taggedRecord[A](recordA: Record[A], tag: String): Tagged[A]

    Tags a schema for type A with the given tag name

    Tags a schema for type A with the given tag name

    Definition Classes
  121. def textChunksRequest: RequestEntity[Chunks[String]]

    A request entity carrying chunks of String values

    A request entity carrying chunks of String values

    Definition Classes
  122. def textChunksResponse: ResponseEntity[Chunks[String]]

    A response entity carrying chunks of String values

    A response entity carrying chunks of String values

    Definition Classes
  123. lazy val textRequest: Map[String, MediaType]

    Request with a String body.

    Request with a String body.

    Definition Classes
  124. def textResponse: ResponseEntity[String]

    Text response entity

    Text response entity

    Definition Classes
  125. def toSchema(jsonSchema: DocumentedJsonSchema): Schema

    Convert the internal representation of a JSON schema into the public OpenAPI AST

    Convert the internal representation of a JSON schema into the public OpenAPI AST

    Definition Classes
  126. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  127. def tryParseString[A](type: String)(parse: (String) => A): (String) => Validated[A]
    Definition Classes
  128. implicit def tuple10JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 10 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 10 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  129. implicit def tuple11JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 11 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 11 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  130. implicit def tuple12JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 12 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 12 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  131. implicit def tuple13JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 13 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 13 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  132. implicit def tuple14JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 14 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 14 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  133. implicit def tuple15JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 15 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 15 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  134. implicit def tuple16JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 16 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 16 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  135. implicit def tuple17JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 17 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 17 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  136. implicit def tuple18JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17], schema18: JsonSchema[T18]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 18 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 18 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  137. implicit def tuple19JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17], schema18: JsonSchema[T18], schema19: JsonSchema[T19]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 19 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 19 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  138. implicit def tuple20JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17], schema18: JsonSchema[T18], schema19: JsonSchema[T19], schema20: JsonSchema[T20]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 20 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 20 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  139. implicit def tuple21JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17], schema18: JsonSchema[T18], schema19: JsonSchema[T19], schema20: JsonSchema[T20], schema21: JsonSchema[T21]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 21 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 21 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  140. implicit def tuple22JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9], schema10: JsonSchema[T10], schema11: JsonSchema[T11], schema12: JsonSchema[T12], schema13: JsonSchema[T13], schema14: JsonSchema[T14], schema15: JsonSchema[T15], schema16: JsonSchema[T16], schema17: JsonSchema[T17], schema18: JsonSchema[T18], schema19: JsonSchema[T19], schema20: JsonSchema[T20], schema21: JsonSchema[T21], schema22: JsonSchema[T22]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 22 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 22 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  141. implicit def tuple2JsonSchema[T1, T2](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 2 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 2 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  142. implicit def tuple3JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 3 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 3 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  143. implicit def tuple4JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 4 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 4 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  144. implicit def tuple5JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 5 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 5 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  145. implicit def tuple6JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 6 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 6 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  146. implicit def tuple7JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 7 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 7 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  147. implicit def tuple8JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 8 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 8 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  148. implicit def tuple9JsonSchema[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9](implicit schema1: JsonSchema[T1], schema2: JsonSchema[T2], schema3: JsonSchema[T3], schema4: JsonSchema[T4], schema5: JsonSchema[T5], schema6: JsonSchema[T6], schema7: JsonSchema[T7], schema8: JsonSchema[T8], schema9: JsonSchema[T9]): JsonSchema[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)]

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 9 elements.

    A JSON schema for a tuple of 9 elements.

    Tuples are represented with JSON arrays, as documented in

    Definition Classes
  149. lazy val ujsonSchemas: ujson.JsonSchemas

    The JSON codecs used to produce some parts of the documentation.

    The JSON codecs used to produce some parts of the documentation.

    Definition Classes
  150. implicit lazy val urlPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Url]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  151. def urlWithQueryString[A, B](path: Path[A], qs: QueryString[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): Url[Out]

    Builds an URL from the given path and query string

    Builds an URL from the given path and query string

    Definition Classes
  152. implicit final lazy val uuidJsonSchema: JsonSchema[UUID]

    A JSON schema for type UUID

    A JSON schema for type UUID

    Definition Classes
  153. def uuidQueryString: QueryStringParam[UUID]

    Ability to define UUID query string parameters

    Ability to define UUID query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  154. def uuidSegment: Segment[UUID]

    Ability to define UUID path segments

    Ability to define UUID path segments

    Definition Classes
  155. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  156. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  157. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  158. final def wheneverFound[A](responseA: Response[A], notFoundDocs: Documentation = None): Response[Option[A]]

    Turns a Response[A] into a Response[Option[A]].

    Turns a Response[A] into a Response[Option[A]].

    Interpreters represent None with an empty HTTP response whose status code is 404 (Not Found).

    Definition Classes
  159. def withDescriptionEnum[A](enum: Enum[A], description: String): Enum[A]

    Add a description to the given enum JSON schema

    Add a description to the given enum JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  160. def withDescriptionJsonSchema[A](schema: JsonSchema[A], description: String): JsonSchema[A]

    Add a description to the given JSON schema

    Add a description to the given JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  161. def withDescriptionRecord[A](record: Record[A], description: String): Record[A]

    Add a description to the given record JSON schema

    Add a description to the given record JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  162. def withDescriptionTagged[A](tagged: Tagged[A], description: String): Tagged[A]

    Add a description to the given tagged JSON schema

    Add a description to the given tagged JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  163. def withDiscriminatorTagged[A](tagged: Tagged[A], discriminatorName: String): Tagged[A]

    Allows to specify name of discriminator field for sum type

    Allows to specify name of discriminator field for sum type

    Definition Classes
  164. def withExampleEnum[A](enum: Enum[A], example: A): Enum[A]

    Include an example value within the given enum JSON schema

    Include an example value within the given enum JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  165. def withExampleJsonSchema[A](schema: JsonSchema[A], example: A): JsonSchema[A]

    Include an example value within the given JSON schema

    Include an example value within the given JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  166. def withExampleRecord[A](record: Record[A], example: A): Record[A]

    Include an example value within the given record JSON schema

    Include an example value within the given record JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  167. def withExampleTagged[A](tagged: Tagged[A], example: A): Tagged[A]

    Include an example value within the given tagged JSON schema

    Include an example value within the given tagged JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  168. def withTitleEnum[A](enum: Enum[A], title: String): Enum[A]

    Add a title to the given enum JSON schema

    Add a title to the given enum JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  169. def withTitleJsonSchema[A](schema: JsonSchema[A], title: String): JsonSchema[A]

    Add a title to the given schema

    Add a title to the given schema

    Definition Classes
  170. def withTitleRecord[A](record: Record[A], title: String): Record[A]

    Add a title to the given record JSON schema

    Add a title to the given record JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  171. def withTitleTagged[A](tagged: Tagged[A], title: String): Tagged[A]

    Add a title to the given tagged JSON schema

    Add a title to the given tagged JSON schema

    Definition Classes
  172. def zipRecords[A, B](recordA: Record[A], recordB: Record[B])(implicit t: Tupler[A, B]): Record[Out]

    The JSON schema of a record merging the fields of the two given records

    The JSON schema of a record merging the fields of the two given records

    Definition Classes
  173. object CoproductEncoding

    This object contains the options for how to encode coproduct JSON schemas.

    This object contains the options for how to encode coproduct JSON schemas.

    The following Scala coproduct is the candidate example. Each encoding option includes the schema that it would generate for that example.

    sealed trait Pet
    case class Cat(name: String) extends Pet
    case class Lizard(lovesRocks: Boolean) extends Pet
    Definition Classes
  174. object DocumentedJsonSchema
    Definition Classes
  175. object Delete extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  176. object Get extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  177. object Options extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  178. object Patch extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  179. object Post extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  180. object Put extends Method with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def [B](y: B): (ChunkedJsonEntities, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ChunkedJsonEntities toArrowAssoc[ChunkedJsonEntities] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use -> instead. If you still wish to display it as one character, consider using a font with programming ligatures such as Fira Code.

Inherited from JsonSchemas

Inherited from TuplesSchemas

Inherited from algebra.JsonSchemas

Inherited from algebra.TuplesSchemas

Inherited from ChunkedEntities

Inherited from Responses

Inherited from StatusCodes

Inherited from Requests

Inherited from Headers

Inherited from Methods

Inherited from Urls

Inherited from JsonCodecs

Inherited from algebra.JsonEntities

Inherited from Errors

Inherited from algebra.Responses

Inherited from algebra.StatusCodes

Inherited from algebra.Requests

Inherited from algebra.Methods

Inherited from algebra.Urls

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat fromChunkedJsonEntities to StringFormat[ChunkedJsonEntities]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring fromChunkedJsonEntities to Ensuring[ChunkedJsonEntities]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc fromChunkedJsonEntities to ArrowAssoc[ChunkedJsonEntities]


Types introduced by the algebra


Operations creating and transforming values
