Do it with (free?) arrows!

Julien Richard-Foy

Typelevel Summit Copenhagen – June 3, 2017


1 Context

1.1 Description vs interpretation

Description vs interpretation

Description: HTML document

  <head><title>This is not a title</title></head>

Description: arithmetic expression

1 + 1   // This is not an addition

Interpretations make sense out of descriptions

Description Interpretations
HTML document rendering
arithmetic expression evaluation, simplification, pretty print
image draw on screen, generate a file
API endpoint client, server, documentation


The essence of descriptions

1.2 Domain: data

Data description

Interpretations of data descriptions

Let’s design a data description language

trait DataDescr {

  /** A description of data of type `A` */
  type Data[A]

  /** “atom” describing a record with one
    * field of type `String`
  def field(name: String): Data[String]


Let’s try our DataDescr language

trait Program extends DataDescr {

    * A record with one field named “x”
    * and containing a `String` value
  val x: Data[String] = field("x")


Let’s describe a User data type (1)

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)


Let’s describe a User data type (2)

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  val user: Data[User] = {



Let’s describe a User data type (3)

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  val user: Data[User] = {
    val name  = field("name")



Let’s describe a User data type (4)

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  val user: Data[User] = {
    val name  = field("name")
    val email = field("email")


2 Applicative Functor

2.1 We need the power of applicative functors!

Let’s upgrade our language

import scalaz.Applicative

trait DataDescr {

  type Data[A]

  def field(name: String): Data[String]

  /** Pretend that `Data[_]` is an applicative functor */
  implicit val applicativeData: Applicative[Data]


Feel the power! (1)

import scalaz.syntax._

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  val user: Data[User] = {
    val name  = field("name")
    val email = field("email")
    (name tuple email) // Data[(String, String)]


Feel the power! (2)

import scalaz.syntax._

trait Program extends DataDescr {

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  val user: Data[User] = {
    val name  = field("name")
    val email = field("email")
    (name tuple email).map(User.tupled)


Intuition of an applicative functor

val name: Data[String] = …
val email: Data[String] = …
val user: Data[User] = (name tuple email).map(User.tupled)


2.2 Interpreters


trait Decoder extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Map[String, String] => Option[A]

  // … (implementation of `field` and `applicativeData`)


trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  // … (implementation of `field` and `applicativeData`)

3 Monad

3.1 Sum types description

Is our language powerful enough to describe this data type?

sealed trait Shape
case class Circle(radius: String) extends Shape
case class Rectangle(width: String, height: String) extends Shape
val kvs =
    "type" -> "Circle",
    "radius" -> "42"


sealed trait Shape
case class Circle(radius: String) extends Shape
case class Rectangle(width: String, height: String) extends Shape
val shape: Data[Shape] = {
  val tpe = field("type")
  val circle = field("radius").map(Circle)
  val rectangle =
    (field("width") tuple field("height")).map(Rectangle.tupled)

Monads to the rescue

import scalaz.Monad

trait DataDescr {

  type Data[A]

  def field(name: String): Data[String]

  /** Pretend that `Data[_]` is a monad */
  implicit val monadData: Monad[Data]


Feel the power of the monad!

val shapeData: Data[Shape] = {

  val circle: Data[Shape] = field("radius").map(Circle)
  val rectangle: Data[Shape] =
    (field("width") tuple field("height")).map(Rectangle.tupled)

  for {
    tpe   <- field("type")
    shape <- tpe match {
      case "Circle" => circle
      case "Rectangle" => rectangle
  } yield shape

Intuition of a monad

3.2 Interpreters


trait Decoder extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Map[String, String] => Option[A]

  // … (implementation of `monadData`)



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  val monadData: Monad[Data] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  val monadData: Monad[Data] =
    new Monad[Data] {
      def point[A](x: A): Data[A] = ???
      def bind[A, B](fa: Data[A])(f: A => Data[B]): Data[B] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  val monadData: Monad[Data] =
    new Monad[Data] {
      def point[A](x: A): Record = ???
      def bind[A, B](fa: Record)(f: A => Record): Record = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  val monadData: Monad[Data] =
    new Monad[Data] {
      def point[A](x: A): Record = Record(Nil)
      def bind[A, B](fa: Record)(f: A => Record): Record = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A] = Record
  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  val monadData: Monad[Data] =
    new Monad[Data] {
      def point[A](x: A): Record = Record(Nil)
      def bind[A, B](fa: Record)(f: A => Record): Record = fa



Monads: summary

4 Arrow

Let’s make our Data an arrow

trait DataDescr {

  /** Description of a data type */
  type Data[In, Out]
  /** Raw format of data */
  type Raw

  /** Describes a record with one field */
  def field(name: String): Data[Raw, String]

  /** Pretend that `Data[_, _]` is an arrow */
  implicit val arrowData: Arrow[Data]


4.1 Describing data types with arrows

Record types

import scalaz.syntax.all._

trait Program exends DataDescr {
  import arrowData._

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  def userData: Data[Raw, User] = {
    val name  = field("name")
    val email = field("email")
    (name &&& email) // Data[Raw, (String, String)]


Record types

import scalaz.syntax.all._

trait Program exends DataDescr {
  import arrowData._

  case class User(name: String, email: String)

  def userData: Data[Raw, User] = {
    val name  = field("name")
    val email = field("email")
    (name &&& email) >>> arr(User.tupled)


Record types

Intuition of an arrow

Sum types

sealed trait Shape
case class Circle(radius: String) extends Shape
case class Rectangle(width: String, height: String) extends Shape

val shapeDecoder: Data[Raw, Shape] = {

  val circle: Data[Raw, Shape] = field("radius") >>> arr(Circle)

  val rectangle: Data[Raw, Shape] =
    (field("width") &&& field("height")) >>> arr(Rectangle.tupled)

  val tpe = field("type")

Sum types

5 Choice

Add the power of making choices

trait DataDescr {

  /** Pretend that `Data[_, _]` is an arrow with choice */
  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data]


Can we now describe sum types?

val shapeDecoder: Data[Raw, Shape] = {
  import arrowChoiceData._

  val circle: Data[Raw, Shape] = …
  val rectangle: Data[Raw, Shape] = …

  val tpe: Data[Raw, Unit \/ Unit] =
    field("type") >>> arr((_: String) match {
      case "Circle"    => ().left
      case "Rectangle" => ().right

  tpe.withFst >>> (circle ||| rectangle)


Intuition of choice

Can we also implement a (useful) documentation interpreter?


trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A, B] = ???
  type Raw = ???

  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A, B] = ???
  type Raw = Nothing

  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A, B] = ???
  type Raw = Nothing

  case class Record(fields: List[String])

  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A, B] = ???
  type Raw = Nothing

  sealed trait Adt
  case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
  case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] = ???



trait Documentation extends DataDescr {

  type Data[A, B] = Adt
  type Raw = Nothing

  sealed trait Adt
  case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
  case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

  implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] = ???



sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {
    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Data[B, C], g: Data[A, B]): Data[A, C] = ???

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt = ???

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (Record(fs1), Record(fs2)) => Record(fs1 ++ fs2)

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (Record(fs1), Record(fs2)) => Record(fs1 ++ fs2)
        case (CoProd(as1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(as1 ++ as2)

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def compose[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (Record(fs1), Record(fs2)) => Record(fs1 ++ fs2)
        case (CoProd(as1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(as1 ++ as2)
        case (Record(fs1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd( => Fields(r.fields ++ fs1)))
        case (CoProd(as1), Record(fs2)) => coProd( => Fields(r.fields ++ fs2)))

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Data[A, C], g: Data[B, C]): Data[A \/ B, C] = ???

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt = ???

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (r1: Record,  r2: Record)  => CoProd(r1 :: r2 :: Nil)

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (r1: Record,  r2: Record)  => CoProd(r1 :: r2 :: Nil)
        case (CoProd(as1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(as1 ++ as2)

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (r1: Record,  r2: Record)  => CoProd(r1 :: r2 :: Nil)
        case (CoProd(as1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(as1 ++ as2)
        case (r1: Record,  CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(r1 :: as2)

    // …


sealed trait Adt
case class Record(fields: List[String]) extends Adt
case class CoProd(alternatives: List[Record]) extends Adt

implicit val arrowChoiceData: Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] =
  new Arrow[Data] with Choice[Data] {

    def choice[A, B, C](f: Adt, g: Adt): Adt =
      (f, g) match {
        case (r1: Record,  r2: Record)  => CoProd(r1 :: r2 :: Nil)
        case (CoProd(as1), CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(as1 ++ as2)
        case (r1: Record,  CoProd(as2)) => CoProd(r1 :: as2)
        case (CoProd(as1), r2: Record)  => CoProd(r2 :: as1)

    // …

Arrows and choice: summary

Arrows are relevant for…

6 Summary


7 Questions?

8 Bonus

8.1 Final encoding

Final encoding

8.2 Some other friends of arrows


Cartesian Closed Categories